Monday, February 27, 2012

Lines I Wish I Would Have Written

As more and more of my students' first attempts at poetry are coming in, I have come across some pretty incredible lines.

So here goes the list of lines I wish I would have written myself:

"They will make a new number
To describe how I feel about you."

"The big question is
Why we're stuck taming a wild

"I was fed by drought"

"I sold a road" (I just feel like you could do so much with that line)

"You're my housewife fixing our twisted time" (This line just won't get out of my head)

And what would one of these posts be without a few funny lines thrown in just for fun?

"You fluffy rainbow that fills your soul...
Hello rainbow you're cute
And disrespectful" 
(This is what happens when I tell them to start combining random words together to form a poem)

"Fashion designers
Make a lot of money
Just for making
(I don't know why I think this one's so funny, but I do)

And what's a post without someone mentioning Justin Bieber? [Since I can't go more than one class period without his name being brought up]:

"It's sad that every day a man loses his manhood
Because they got a British tan.
See that limo? That's Justin Bieber
Coming to sing Baby...
Now he can sing his sparkled music

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