Monday, February 13, 2012

Memorable Student Lines

My four classes just all finished up writing the final drafts of their personal narratives. Here are some of my favorite lines from their stories:

"My dad is kind of short, so that's where I think his anger comes from."

"[The ice cream] felt like a frozen tangy snowman was dancing on my tongue."

"In Mexico there are a lot of short people like my dad." (And that's the last line of the story).

"If I was the mountain I would be a nice smelling green thingy." (I still have no idea what he's talking about at this point in the story, but I still laugh every time I think of it)

[Explaining about this superstitious ritual he does in basketball to try and have better luck]:
"It does not give you 12% luck. It maybe gives you--12% luck to make it in, just 12% to miss it." (I'd best talk to his math teacher...)

"I look down and the snow is as white as a nerd's face."

"The drive was as long and boring as a SpongeBob movie."

[After I told a student he needed to add a character description]:
"My aunt looks like she has hair, mouth, ears, eyes."

"Height-wise, Parker is a garden gnome."

Man, I love these kids. I wish I could include a line from every story, because trust me, they all have good lines. Teaching 7th graders is way too much fun!


  1. I think the best one is the drive was as "long and boring as a SpongeBob movie." Very descriptive. I now know how boring that drive was and how much I would have hated it! :)

  2. "My aunt looks like she has hair, mouth, ears, eyes."

    I wonder what she ACTUALLY has...

  3. This is fantastic. Maybe student teaching won't be so bad...
